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We specialise in creating custom spaces with specific acoustic goals. From restaurants to recording studios, we create custom absorption, 2D and 3D diffusers and other technical acoustical surfaces to suit any application.

Public spaces: auditoriums, leisure centres, places of worship, office spaces and call centres (to name a few), all need specific reverberation times. Too much reverberation and speech intelligibility suffer and lead to an uncomfortable irritable experience. Too little reverberation and sound are not transmitted effectively and the space may be unusable for its intended purposes. It is recommended that spaces are evaluated at the planning stage and the proper measures taken to ensure a positive outcome.

Linea 5.8
Linea 5.8

Vodacom (CPT)

Application 14


There are, from the guest’s point of view, three groups of rooms to consider in these applications: public and social rooms, bedrooms and circulation areas. There are some other spaces to be considered, namely the kitchen and other workspaces. The main considerations for these rooms concern the working environment and the spread of noise to adjacent areas.

Application 16


The common areas in residential buildings are mainly corridors and staircases. These are the only areas that are considered in legislative texts. There may sometimes be other spaces to consider: meeting or community rooms, washrooms and other workshops etc.

Application 15


A great part of the population is office workers. These people spend most of their time inside a building or in transport. There is no longer any doubt that working environment improvements result in better efficiency and thus business profits. Among the environmental factors in offices, noise is almost always the one that is mentioned as the most annoying.


First National Bank (JHB)


St James College (JHB)

Application 17


Rooms associated with sport and leisure often implies great volumes and intense human activity. From an acoustical point of view, this leads to high noise levels and poor speech intelligibility and privacy. These kinds of rooms often demand an acoustical study in order to permit the appropriate choice of acoustical treatment.

Application 12


Healthcare facilities frequently are overloaded with people and noisy equipment. The patients are stressed by their illness and worried about the fact that they are in an unfamiliar environment. Among the many sources of disturbing noise in a hospital we can include spoken communication, sounds from patients, internal activity; footsteps, door slamming, food trays and bed rails. Electronic communication; telephones, interphones, TV, radio, alarm signals, noise from technical equipment, building installations, traffic noise etc.

Application 13


The school is a place for learning and teaching. It is also a noisy place full of activity. Often, the need for a quiet environment that allows speech intelligibility. The classrooms should be treated acoustically to obtain good listening and speaking conditions. In corridors and public aeas that often are used for social activities and even studies there is a great need for noise suppression.

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Tel +27 (0)21 511 6839
86 Marine Drive, Paarden Eiland 7405, Cape Town, South Africa


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